Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Avon or Bust

Tuesday in Avon, Colorado. Got about 8 inches of snow overnight. Beautiful everywhere. I went out this morning at 0500 and nearly got stuck, I mean really close several times. Wby did I go out driving in 8 inches of snow you ask. Because I could, and I can't ENJOY getting stuck, etc. with Teresa. You know how ladies panic.

I walked to the bread shop this morning to get some ciabatta (sp) for making pannini sandwiches for dinner tonight. This mountain is the entrance to Beaver Creek ski resort and it goes straight up from there.

Last night we took the girls ice skating. They had a DJ and the magic globe. Snowed the whole time.

The girls may not like all my pictures here, but I can tell you they like my cooking... a little early don't you think ? They didn't even have a chance to get some funk on !

Got one for you... whassis ? Hint; I made it for the truck.

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